Letting Your Girlfriends Know You're There
I have always had many friends. I grew up moving from place to place, sometimes multiple times in a year. I went to several elementary schools and was always the “new girl.” None of this ever stopped me from making friends. Unfortunately though, those girlfriendships didn’t last as long as I had wished because my mom packed us up and moved me often, sometimes 100 miles away.
I’ve learned over the years how to be a good friend. I have certainly had women in my life that would strongly disagree, hence why I use the word “had.” I have been friends with Sydney since I was eleven. Mallory and Charlie since I was twelve. Shannon and I have been bookends since we were 19. She introduced me to Pete, and (Lex and Kole skip over this part) I got pregnant with Lex in Shannon’s bed while she was at work and allowed us to use her pool for the day. There are a bunch of girlfriends in between that I am friends with and speak to now and again, but not on a regular basis like these girls.
I consider myself lucky. I am lucky that the friends I have are solid and have stuck with me. In my adult life there are, Kim, Geri, Tracey, Paula, Joann, Tyanne, Cheryl, Steph--the list goes on. I speak to these women regularly and somehow they put up with me and my antics (wink wink).
My husband Pete also has a lot of friends. He played six seasons in the NFL so he’s a team player and knows how to sacrifice for someone else. After he retired from the NFL, he went to work for his brother Jon in Chicago as a trader on the Chicago Board Options Exchange, and later joined CNBC as an analyst on “Fast Money.” He also has a broad audience on social media. With public recognition, comes followers and many have become friends. Aileen is one of them. She has been following Pete for years. She’s an East coaster that lives very humbly, has great faith in a higher power, and is a day trader on the side.
Aileen reached out to me in 2012 when I was selling cookies for my company, Loopie Doop. She’s big on connection and tried to help me get into grocery stores in her area, where I was not yet selling cookies. I didn’t know who she was at the time--I had spoken to her back and forth on Twitter only. I took a chance and drove about three hours to meet her (I brought another friend for safety). She was lovely. I was safe, and was happy to make the trek to expand my company.
Here we are eight years later, and now she and I talk regularly by Marco Polo. She divulged to me in one of our recent conversations how she loves reading my blogs, especially Girlfriendships because she doesn’t have many of her own. She vicariously lives through my stories. She said she has longed for the kinds of relationships I write about. I simply replied, “I’m right here”, hoping she would know I’m her friend and we can make our own story together.
The importance of girlfriendships is ever-present today. The time we can spend together is invaluable. Our growth is immeasurable. The love we share is never-ending. Not every woman has a girlfriend to fill those gaps that only a girlfriend can fill. I’m right here for Aileen, and I will do the best I can to fill the girlfrienship gaps in her life. Someone out there needs you, too. Reach out and tell her, “I’m right here.”
I love that you were with me today. See you tomorrow!
Lisa A.K.A. Loopie