Seaside, Yacht Club, Riverfront... Which Suits You Best?
Seaside, Yacht Club, Riverfront... Which Suits You Best?
In my latest Girlfriendships blog I talk about my love of water. Yes, I am a water girl! I’m not picky about what kind either. I’ll take a river, a lake, the ocean—even a pond—I just love seeing the sparkly reflection of light hitting me in the eye. There’s something about that sparkle that gives me energy. Yet, I live in Minnesota, and I see way too much frozen water for my taste. I prefer to be by the water when the temps are above 75℉.
One of my most favorite things is enjoying a meal while overlooking water. How about you? If you’re looking for some on-the-water-places to go with your girlfriends, here are three of my favorites:
- If I’m in Austin, Texas, I go to Geraldine's at The Kimpton Hotel Van Zandt Austin It’s right on the Colorado River.
- California? Malibu Farm at Rosewood Miramar Beach Montecito is incredible for up-close Pacific Ocean action, or...
- If I’m feeling nostalgic, then it’s Drakes Sonoma Coast which is in Bodega Bay.
A good friend of mine was inspired by my blog mentioning Grand View Lodge, and spent some time there last week. She had a grand time, and came home with this recipe for their signature drink, a Grand mojito. Give it a try!

Grand Mojito
Ingredients for 1 cocktail | Multiply by degree of thirst and divide by number of girlfriends!
- 1 ounce Bacardi Lime® Rum
- 3 ounces mint simple syrup
- 2 mint sprigs
Step 1
Muddle simple syrup and 2 mint sprigs in a cocktail shaker.
Step 2
Add Bacardi Lime® Rum.
Step 3
Fill the shaker with ice. Cover, and shake vigorously until the outside of the shaker is very cold, about 20 seconds.
Step 4
Strain with strainer or pour over a slotted spoon into a tall Collins filled with ice.
Give a splash of club soda and garnish with mint sprigs.
Step 5
Photo credit: Ashley Belanger
Recipe credit source: On the Rocks at GrandView Lodge